Home staging – “stage now, pay later”

We give your property a make-over, you pay only when it sells? Home staging is a new phenomenon which has come over from the States. Home staging means giving a property a facelift and dealing with any minor defects. The property is given a pleasant atmosphere, calculated to appeal to as many potential purchasers as possible. This can result in properties selling six times faster and at prices up to 25% higher. It all makes sense when you remember that potential homebuyers make their decision to purchase within the first 90 seconds of their inspection!

No immediate investment required

Our professional staff will take your property in hand and prepare it for sale, with no requirement for up-front investment on your part. You pay only when the property sells, though of course there are certain conditions. Find out more here..


Want to sell or rent with Kasper & Kent? Let us chat over a cup of coffee. Contact us for an appointment without obligations.

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